تحميل مراجعة ليلة امتحان اللغة الانجليزية لاولى ثانوى لمستر محمد كيلانى ,صاروخ المراجعات النهائية اول ثانوى .
موقع الطريق المضئ . ليلة الامتحان اولى ثانوى اللغة الانجليزية, الصف الاول الثانوى, المرحلة الثانوية, المراجعة النهائية, جديد, مراجعة ساعات قبل امتحان اللغة الانجليزية لاولى ثانوى مراجعة ليلة امتحان اللغة الانجليزية الصف الاول الثانوى, مراجعة ماقبل امتحان الانجليزى الصف الاول الثانوى الترم 1, 2018 مراجعة انجليزى للصف الاول الثانوى ترم اول 2018 المراجعة النهائية للصف الاول الثانوى فى اللغة الانجليزية مذكرة انجليزى للصف الاول الثانوى ترم اول 2018 .
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مراجعة ليلة امتحان اللغة الانجليزية لاولى ثانوى لمستر محمد كيلانى |
- المراجعة من اعداد ورفع مستر محمد كيلانى.
- التحميل مباشر
- الرابط موجود اسفل المقال.
- التحميل من خلال ميديا فاير
- المراجعة موجودة فى 19 صفحة.
- شرح اسئلة الامتحان بالتفصيل .
- Hours-before-exam-Revision-Sec-1
- نرجو ترك تعليق ومشاركة المقال حتى يستفيد الجميع من اعمالنا.
تحميل صاورخ مراجعة ليلة الامتحان انجليزى الصف الاول الثانوى الترم الاول.
مراجعة اولى ثانوى انجليزى امتحانات الصف الاول الثانوى لغة انجليزية ترم اول مراجعة ليلة الامتحان للصف الاول الثانوى لغة انجليزية ترم ثانى .مذكرة مراجعة ليلة الإمتحان في مادة إنجليزي الصف الاول الثانوى , مراجعه ليله الامتحان في انجليزي اولى ثانوي .صور من داخل المراجعة
محتوى المراجعة النهائية للصف الاول الثانوى .
اهم براجراف الصف الاول لاثانوى
(8) Write a paragraph of about (100) words on ONE (1) of the following:
Your good friend. :- صديقك الجيد
I 'd like to tell you about my best friend Tarek. We 're the same age. We always played together when we were children.Our families are good friends. We go to the same school.We both want to go to university and become teachers. We enjoy athletics. I am good at English. Tarek is good at science and maths. Tarek is calm and relaxed person, but I 'm the opposite. I hope that Tarek and I will always be best friends. Maybe our children and
grandchildren 'll be friends.
A famous person :- شخص مشهور
I admire Dr. Ahmed Zewail. He was born in 1946 in Egypt. He went to Alexandria University. He finished his studies in the United States. He discovered the femto second. Dr. Zewail got the Nobel Prize for Chemistry. Dr. Zewail now lives in California and has four children. His wife , is a doctor. Now he helps scientists to make new medicines. He died in 2016.
An amazing person that you know شخص مذهل تعرفه
There are a lot of people I admire. I like sports very much. My favourite sports star was AbuTreka. Now , I admire Mohammed Salah very much. He is a famous footballer. He hasrecently been chosen to play Liverpool. He is Egyptian. He has played for famous clubs. Hehas scored a lot of goals. He has made all the Egyptians happy. I 'm really a big fan of
Mohammed Salah. I wish to take a photograph with him.
The importance of cleanliness :- أهمية النظافة
To prevent illness, people should always wash their hands before a meal. They should bathemore often in hot weather.They should also be very careful about the food and water theyhave. They mustn't allow flies to land on their food. They should always boil tap water beforedrinking it. They must never eat food that smells bad. Protection is better than cure.
A story with a moral:- قصة لها هدف اخلاقى
I am going to write about a novel called " The cricket on the Hearth". Bertha is the maincharacter in the story. She was an innocent little girl. Unfortunately, she was blind. Her father
tried to make her happy. He hid the truth from her. He invented stories that were not true. She
didn't know thatthey were poor. She had no idea that she and her father lived inan oldhouse. When she realized the truth , she became very sad. However , when she understood
that her father had doneeverything he could to make her happy. She knew that he wasthebest father in the world. This novel teaches us that we should always tell the truth.
A person you know with a good memory.
My teacher of English Mr. Abdou Soliman has a good memory. He simplifies his lessons. He treats his students in a friendly way. He is good at remembering names. This is very useful for him , because he is a teacher and he often needs to remember students' names. He knows all the names of his students by the end of his second lesson with them. He asks students to tell him their names . He repeats their names. He tells his students their names . Thestudents are very surprised if he get their names right
The pros and cons of city life :- في الحياة المدينة عيىب ومزايا
Life in the city is different from life in the countryside. Each place has its pros and cons. Life in the city is exciting. There are modern houses and modern means of transport. There are 18 large shops where they can buy whatever they want.There are modern schools and sometimes modern universities. But city life has its disadvantages. It is very busy and noisy. On the other hand , life in the countryside is quiet and peaceful. It has clean air. The countryside life is cheaper than the city life. However , life in the countryside has its demerits. There is no modern means of transport or many jobs. Shops don't have everything people need. There are few schools. To sum up , life in the countryside isn't the same as life in the city.
Why we should help older people. - لماذا
I think old people like spending their time alone. Young people spend their time at work or university. The old people spend much time on leisure activities. They spend about nine hours sleeping. They watch TV about three hours a day. They may spend time reading. They may spend time exercising. The best thing about being old is that finally having time to relax and think. Relaxing is more popular activity among people
B) Translate into English:
1. All Egyptians are proud of the great scientists they have in different fields.
2. I haven't enjoyed reading an exciting story like this one before.
3. Many people can't express their feelings easily.
4. People with special needs have achieved great success all over the world.
5. If I had had enough time yesterday, I would have visited my friend.
6. Women contribute greatly in the development and advancement of society.
رابط تحميل مراجعة ليلة الامتحان في مادة اللغة الانجليزية الصف الأول الثانوي الترم الأول .
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