تحميل ملف نصوص الاستماع و القراءة للصف الثانى الثانوى المنهج الجديد 2018 Listening texts
نصوص استماع اللغة الانجليزية ثانية ثانوي المنهج الجديد 2018
اللغة الانجليزية, الصف الثانى الثانوى, تعليم , تحميل ملفات , شرح ومراجعات لكل مواد 2018 , موقع الطريق المضئ
نصوص الاستماع و القراءة للصف الثانى الثانوى المنهج الجديد
ملف وورد برابط مباشر
التحميل اسفل الموضوع مجانى . Listening texts for the second secondary school
مذكرات 2018 مجانا, تابعنا بالضغط على كلمة متابعة على يسار الموضوع

محتوى ملف الاستماع لمنهج اللغة الانجليزية ثانية ثانوى 2018
Unit One Enjoying Work
I enjoy my work. The company trains us well and gives us a smart uniform to wear. It is very comfortable working in a modern building with air conditioning. People come here from all over the world- most of them don't speak Arabic, so I use my English a lot. It is important that I 'm friendly and efficient – then the customer will often use the company again.
Man :
It is a hard job – working outside where it is hot with noisy machines around you all the time. But I am proud to be helping to build a modern country. Our roads , bridges and dams will help to make Egypt richer , and that will be good for our children and our grandchildren.
Woman 2 :
My work is very exciting . Since I started the job two years ago, I have met important people from all over the world. A trade delegation from Europe arrived in Egypt two weeks ago, so last week I was reporting on that story almost every day. I even met leaders of France and Germany. My report was headline news in our paper at the weekend. Yesterday, I was interviewing business leaders in Cairo.
Woman 3 :
I have wanted to do this kind of work since I saw my first computer at school. In my opinion, computers are fantastic and I've worked and played with them ever since that day at school.. Now I work for a well-known Egyptian company that writes computer programmes for important national and international companies . At the moment, I am doing a research on a computer programme for an Australian company.
تحميل ملف نص استماع والقراءة للصف الثانى الثانوى المنهج الجديد 2018 .
موقع الطريق المضئ يقدم احدث مذكرات ومراجعات 2018 لكل المواد .
موقع الطريق المضئ يقدم احدث مذكرات ومراجعات 2018 لكل المواد .
Unit Two The Iron Woman
(1) Ted Hughes is a British Writer . A lot of people think that Ted Hughes was the best English poet of the twentieth century . Not many people know that he also wrote wonderful books for children .The most famous of these is The Iron Man which was written in 1968 and was later made into a film . The Iron Woman was written many years later , in 1993.
(2) In The Iron Woman , the Iron Man appears again and helps the Iron Woman to save the earth from the dangers of pollution. Ted Hughes was born in 1930 in Yorkshire , which is in the north of England . During his childhood he spent a lot of time in the countryside and was interested in animals and birds . He also loved writing . He started writing poems when he was at school.
(3) After university, Hughes had a lot of different jobs. He worked as a gardener , a teacher and in a zoo , where he learned a lot about animals .He started to work for a magazine .Hughes met his wife , who also worked for a magazine , at this time , his wife , whose name was Sylvia Plash , was a famous American poet. was after their first child , Frieda , was born that Hughes’s first book of poems
for children was published . It came out in 1961 and was called Meet My Folks .
(4) The poems that were in the book describe each member of the family in an amazing way. Hughes enjoyed reading his poems to his children . One of them is a story about a dragon that wants to visit the Queen of England !. Hughes also wrote several plays for children , and some of them are now taught in English schools . The books which people liked most were often about nature. Ted Hughes was also Britain's poet laureate from 1984 until his death in 1998. This was the time when he wrote special poems to celebrate important national events for the queen.
Unit Three Water and Food Safety
Reem : Did you read this report in the newspaper, Nehal . it is about a girl called Maya who was very ill.
Nihal : Oh dear ! What happened?
Reem : It is believed that that she became ill after she washed some vegetables , She lives on a farm near the Nile and she used water from the river to wash them . the water was not clean.
Nihal : What happened to the girl?
Reem : She was taken to hospital , she nearly died , but now she is better , however she wants to warn people about the dangers of water from the Nile
Nihal : What does she want us to know?
Reem : She did a school project about pollution in the Nile and she sent it the newspaper . this is what her report says : It is thought that waste which is put into the river by factories is often so poisonous that it kills the fish . Sometimes the pollution is put in the river deliberately and sometimes through carelessness . Maya says that you must never wash food using water that may be filled with toxic chemicals .
Nihal : That is very sad . The water from the Nile used to make the soil fertile . farmers liked the Nile floods because the soil helped their vegetables to grow.
Reem : That’s true her report says that we need water for farms , for industry and for drinking . to get enough water we have to use water from the Nile .The problem is that each year there are more and more people who need more and more water. Now, it is said that in Egypt about 38 million people drink polluted water. It is believed that ten thousand people become very ill every year as a result .
Nihal : What can we do about the problem?
Reem : I hope that the Nile’s water will be managed better in the future so it won’t be so polluted , but the most important thing is that we should all be taught about the dangers that exist today . Never drink dirty water from the Nile . and be careful not to wash fruit or vegetables using dirty water as well .
Nihal : That’s good advice , thanks Reem
Unit four School for all
Interviewer : In today's programme, we are going to learn about learning. With us is a professor from Cairo university : Dr Farida. She has just read a book about people's intelligence. do you want to talk to us about the book doctor?
Dr. Farida : Yes, I do. Thank you. The book was written by an American professor.
Interviewer : Wasn't it written in 1980s?
Dr. Farida : Yes, it was, but the book is still very important for us today. We usually call a person intelligent when they study hard and pass their exams, but the professor understood that people do not all learn in the same way.
Interviewer : Did he think that people were intelligent in different ways?
Dr. Farida : Yes, he did. He said that people could be intelligent in eight different ways.
Interviewer : Aren't people intelligent if they can read and write well?
Dr. Farida : Yes they are. However, some people have problems reading and writing. This does not mean they aren't intelligent. For example, they might be intelligent because they are good at numbers. We are all different. Another kind of person is intelligent because they are good at understanding visual things such as maps and pictures. And another is intelligent because they are good at understanding sounds and music.
Interviewer : Hm! Can you tell us the other four ways that people are intelligent?
Dr. Farida : Yes, I can. Some people are intelligent because they understand plants, animals and the weather. Some are intelligent because they can use their body to do things. For example, surgeons. Others can understand people and how they're feeling. And finally, Some people are intelligent because they can understand their own abilities
Interviewer : Should we teach everyone in a different way then?
Dr. Farida : That would be very difficult. However, it's important for students and teachers to remember that we are not all the same. People all learn in a different way.
Interviewer : Thank you professor. That was very interesting. Will you talk to us again or in another prgramme?
Dr. Farida : Yes I will.
Interviewer : Thank you.
Unit Five Flowers for Algernon
Presenter : In today's programme, we are talking about the author Daniel Keyes who wrote the story : flowers for Algernon. With me today is professor Higgins from Manchester university. So professor, what can you tell us about Daniel Keyes as a boy?
Higgins : Daniel Keyes was born in New York in 1927. As a boy, he used to work in a bakery from four until seven in the morning before he went to school. You notice that the main character in Flowers for Algernon also works in a bakery.
Presenter : Hmm! That's interesting. What did he do when he finished school?
Higgins : After school, he spent some time in the navy and then studied psychology at university. Many of his novels are also about psychology. For example. flowers for Algernon asks the question: How does your intelligence affect your character? And how people treat you?
Presenter : Did he use to write novels at university?
Higgins : No, he didn't. After university he taught English at a secondary school. He also taught students who found it very difficult to read. This was another experience he used in Flowers for Algernon. The main character also goes to a school because he cannot read
Presenter : So, When did he start writing stories?
Higgins : While he was a teacher. he also used to write in his spare time. Flowers for Algernon was published as a short story in a magazine in 1959. He later wrote it as a complete novel in 1960.
Presenter : Was it successful?
Higgins : It was very successful. It was also made into a film called Charlie in 1968. The story also became a television film and a play.
Presenter : Did he write any other novels?
Higgins : Yes, he did. Eight of his books were published, but none of them was as successful as Flowers for Algernon. When he was younger, he also used to write for comics, but he didn't use to use his name in the comics, he called himself Kris Daniels. He died in 1014, aged 86
Presenter : Thank you professor
Unit Six That's amazing
Leila : Hi, Abeer . Would you like to do this magazine quiz with me?
Abeer : Yes, what is the subject?
Leila : It is called " the highest, deepest and oldest." It is about the natural world.
Abeer : Interesting ! let's start.
Leila : Ok. First question : where is the deepest part of all the oceans?
Abeer : Hmm – that is difficult. Do you know?
Leila : I think it is in the Pacific Ocean, but I am not sure.
Abeer : Does it tell you the answer?
Leila : No, you have to phone a special number to hear the answers.
Abeer : Next question?
Leila : This has three parts. First , which is the highest mountain in the world? I think Everest or Kilimanjaro.
Abeer : Everest is higher than Kilimanjaro!
Leila : I agree. Part two : How far above sea level is it?
Abeer : About nine thousand metres maybe?
Leila : Hmm- Everest is not as high as that. It is about seven and a half thousand. Ok, third part: who was the first Egyptian to reach the summit of this mountain in 2007?
Abeer : I know that ! if the mountain is Everest , it was definitely Omar Samara.
Leila : Yes, it was amazing . We read all news stories about him in history.
Abeer : Yes, for me his climb was the most important sporting event of 2007.
Leila : Ok. Next question . Where is the oldest tree in the world and how old is it?
Abeer : I think it is about five hundred years old, but I am not sure where is it. Do you know?
Leila : It is older than that- I think it is about two thousand years old. I have an idea it is
in Canada.
Abeer : Let's phone up for the answers.
Leila : Ok.
Part (2)
This is quiz line. Here are the answers to " The highest, deepest and oldest" quiz.
Question one : Challenger Deep is the deepest part of the oceans- it is part of the Mariana Trench in the Pacific. It is over eleven kilometres deep.
Question two :part one : Everest is the world's highest mountain.
Part two : Everest is eight thousand, eight hundred and fifty metres above sea level.
part three : The Egyptian climber who reached the summit of Everest in 2007 was Omar Samara.
And finally, The oldest tree in the world is nearly ten
thousand years old . It is in Sweden .
Unit Seven Cooperation and tolerance
Ali : They’re starting lots of sports at our sports centre soon. I can’t decide what to try. Which sport do you think I should choose?
Omar : They’re all really exciting sports, but it depends on why you want to do sport.
Ali : What do you mean?
Omar : Well, do you want to keep fit, or to prove how good you are at something, or just to
meet other people?
Ali : I don’t really know – it’s a combination of all three, but the main reason is because I want to do something with other people of my own age.
Omar : OK, the answer is quite easy, isn't it?
Ali : Is it?
Omar : Yes, the sports like squash are individual sports – you have to beat the person you are playing on your own.
Ali : Yes, I see. And basketball is a team sport.
Omar : That’s right. You can’t play it on your own– you need a team of five people, and you can’t win team games without working very hard with the other people on your team. If you ask me, I think you’d enjoy a team sport like basketball more than an individual sport.
Ali : So do you think that I should choose basketball?
Omar: No, I don’t – you need to be extremely tall to be a good basketball player. What other team games can you do at the sports centre?
Ali : There’s five aside football, but I already play eleven aside football. You need to run more in five aside football. So, after I play it, I feel absolutely exhausted. I think that you do less running in hockey
Omar : Well, why don’t you try hockey? My friend is the captain of a hockey team. He is absolutely brilliant at hockey. and he can teach you how to play it.
Ali : Thanks, Omar. I’m definitely going to try hockey.
Omar : A good choice. I think you’ll be really good at hockey.
Ali : I'm hungry. Let's have a sandwich at the café.
Omar: Good idea.
Unit Eight William Golding
Karim : Have you finished reading Lord of the Flies, Ahmad ?
Ahmad : Yes, I have- it is not a very happy story.
Karim : No, but it makes you think, doesn't it?
Ahmad : Yes, it does. Do you know anything about the Writer, William Golding ?
Karim : Yes, I heard a radio programme about him . He was born in 1911 and he
died in 1993.
Ahmad : What did he do before he was a writer?
Karim : He was a student at Oxford University , where he studied English Literature . The first
job that he did was in the theatre : he was an actor . Then he became an English
teacher in a secondary school.
Ahmad : When did he start writing books?
Karim : Not until the 1950s . During the second world war , Golding was a sailor in the
British Navy . After the war , he went back to teach in the same school. He wrote the
Lord of the Flies in 1953. That was his first novel.
Ahmad : Why did he write a book about such cruel children?
Karim : That is an interesting question. I read an article which said that Golding was shocked
by things he had seen during the war. He saw how cruel people could be.
Ahmad : But Lord of the Flies is about children, isn't it?
Karim : Yes, but Golding believed that everyone could be cruel including children.
Ahmad : That is a very pessimistic thought.
Karim : I agree, but this is why Golding wrote Lord of the Flies.
Ahmad : Did he write other novels?
Karim : Yes, he did , but many people think Lord of the Flies is the best novel that he wrote.
Unit Nine The Olympics
Magdy : Hello . Magdy speaking .
Tamer : Hi , Magdy . It is Tamer . What have you been doing? I have been trying to phone
you since this morning .
Magdy : Sorry, my phone was turned off. I have been watching a history of the 2016
Olympic Games on television.
Tamer : I saw all of it. It was great, wasn't it? Did you see Mohammed Mahmoud when
he won the bronze medal for weightlifting.
Magdy : Fantastic , wasn't it ? Sara Ahmed won a bronze medal for weightlifting too.
Tamer : Yes, and Hedaya Wahba won a bronze medal for taekwondo?
Magdy : It was the first time that Egypt won three bronze medals since 2004.
Tamer : Mohammed looked so proud when he received his medal, didn't he?
Magdy : He certainly did. he couldn't stop smiling
Tamer : He should feel proud of himself. He has been training really hard since the
world weightlifting championships in 2014.
Magdy : How well did he do there?
Tamer : He came second.
Magdy : Have you ever done weightlifting?
Tamer : No, I haven't.
Magdy : Neither have I, but I find it very interesting. I've watched all the weightlifting
competitions this year.
Tamer : Which sports do you do?
Magdy : Well, I have been playing football for as long as I can remember , but for the last few
months I have been playing squash regularly.
Tamer : Do you enjoy it?
Magdy : Yes, I do – and it's very good exercise, so it helped me to keep fit. I joined a
squash club last year and now I'm in one of the adult teams.
Tamer : Well, Egyptian squash players usually do very well in internationals, don't they ?
Magdy : Yes, they do .
Tamer : So will we see you taking part in the Tokyo Olympics in Japan in 2020?
Magdy : No , I am afraid you won't . Unfortunately squash isn't an Olympic sport
at the moment.
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