شرح وامثلة اختصارات غير رسمية فى اللغة الانجليزية INFORMAL CONTRACTIONS.
شرح INFORMAL CONTRACTIONS , تعليم اللغات الاجنبية من خلال موقع الطريق المضئ .
اختصارات مع كلمة TO Contractions with "to"
want to = wanna /wɔnə/
.They wanna buy a house
اختصار have to = hafta
We hafta ask for help.
has to = hasta
He hasta hire an assistant.
had to = hadta
✏️Julia hadta cook dinner for her kids.
used to = useta
Carrie useta smoke, but she quit.
got to = gotta
You've gotta keep trying.
Contractions with "you"
do you = dya
Dya think she'll come?
did you = didja
Didja get your hair cut?
could you = couldja
Couldja drive me to the store?
would you = wouldja
Wouldja open the window?
how did you = howdja
Howdja do that?
what do you = whadaya
✏️Whadaya do about an overdue library book?
where did you = wheredja
Wheredja put my keys?
what did you = whadja
✏️Whadja think about the movie?
اختصارات كلمة OF Contractions with "of"
kind of = kinda
It's kinda hard to imagine their lifestyle.
lot of = lotta
A lotta kids are bilingual.
lots of = lotsa
✏️Lotsa studies support bilingual education.
Contractions with "would have"
she would have = sheda
✏️Sheda liked more time to prepare.
he would have = heda
✏️I doubt that heda been able to play so well if he hadn't practiced so often.
we would have = weda
✏️Weda spent more time in Seville if we could have.
I would have = Ida
✏️Ida given it more thought before making a decision.
they would have = theyda
✏️She wishes theyda included more examples.
👉you would have = youda
✏️Youda done the same thing if he asked you to.
🎓Other informal contractions
👉come on = cmon
✏️Cmon; we're leaving right now.
👉don't know = dunno
✏️You dunno what you're doing.
👉let me = lemme
✏️Lemme help you with that.
👉some more = s'more
✏️Could I have s'more cookies?
👉must have = musta
✏️She musta forgotten to charge her cell phone
Contractions with "to"
👉going to = gonna
✏️She's gonna call you later.
👉want to = wanna
✏️They wanna buy a house.
👉have to = hafta
✏️We hafta ask for help.
👉has to = hasta
✏️He hasta hire an assistant.
👉had to = hadta
✏️Julia hadta cook dinner for her kids.
👉used to = useta
✏️Carrie useta smoke, but she quit.
👉got to = gotta
✏️You've gotta keep trying.
Contractions with "you"
👉do you = dya
✏️Dya think she'll come?
👉did you = didja
✏️Didja get your hair cut?
👉could you = couldja
✏️Couldja drive me to the store?
👉would you = wouldja
✏️Wouldja open the window?
👉how did you = howdja
✏️Howdja do that?
👉what do you = whadaya
✏️Whadaya do about an overdue library book?
👉where did you = wheredja
✏️Wheredja put my keys?
👉what did you = whadja
✏️Whadja think about the movie?
🎓Contractions with "of"
👉kind of = kinda
✏️It's kinda hard to imagine their lifestyle.
👉lot of = lotta
✏️A lotta kids are bilingual.
👉lots of = lotsa
Lotsa studies support bilingual education.
Contractions with "would have"
👉she would have = sheda
✏️Sheda liked more time to prepare.
👉he would have = heda
✏️I doubt that heda been able to play so well if he hadn't practiced so often.
👉we would have = weda
✏️Weda spent more time in Seville if we could have.
👉I would have = Ida
✏️Ida given it more thought before making a decision.
👉they would have = theyda
✏️She wishes theyda included more examples.
👉you would have = youda
✏️Youda done the same thing if he asked you to.
Other informal contractions
come on = cmon
✏️Cmon; we're leaving right now.
don't know = dunno
You dunno what you're doing.
let me = lemme
Lemme help you with that.
some more = s'more
Could I have s'more cookies?
مصدر الموضوع من صفحة منتديات فايز للغة الإنجليزية. على الفيس بوك - منقول للافادة
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