حمل مناهج Our Discovery Island لغة انجلبزية للمراحل الابتدائية
اربعة مستويات من منهج اور ديسكفرىالمستوى الاول والثانى والثالث والرابع
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منهج Discovery |
تحتوى الكتاب على
Pupil’s Book
- includes student’s access code to a unique Online Game – safe, engaging, highly-motivating environment for practising target language
Activity Book
- includes a CD-ROM with interactive exercises, games and puzzles, songs and chants from the Pupil’s Book to be used in class and at home
Course components for the classroom use
- contains 4 episodes focusing on the topics and language of two units, song presentations and animated stories
Flash cards
- contains 62 flashcards per level to present, practise and consolidate language through games and activities
Story Cards
- consists of A4 cards with teaching notes, activities and the audioscript for the story frame
- contains 3 posters for each level to provide a new context for communication
Teacher’s Book
- Includes step-by-step lesson plans, recommended procedures for games, stories and DVD, evaluation sheets, photocopiable resources and access code for online game and students’ Progress Review System
اطلب اى مذكرة او امتحان او نتيجة فقط اترك تعليق ,سوف نجيب طلبك فى الحال
اذا اعجبك الموضوع لا تبخل فى نشره حتى تعم الفائدة
اشترك معنا على جوجل بلس - فيس بوك - تويتر ليصلك الاشعارات و الموضوعات الجديدة فى الموقع
Our Discovery Island Starter Pupil's Book
Our Discovery Island Level 1 Pupil's Book
Our Discovery Island Level 2 Pupil's Book
Our Discovery Island Level 3 Pupil's Book
Our Discovery Island Level 4 Pupil's Book
Our Discovery Island Starter Pupil's Book
Our Discovery Island Level 1 Pupil's Book
Our Discovery Island Level 2 Pupil's Book
Our Discovery Island Level 3 Pupil's Book
Our Discovery Island Level 4 Pupil's Book
يا تري في شرح grammer grade 6 عام 2019/2020 بالتدريبات وكل مايخص المنهج